Thursday, September 8, 2011

Priego 2011 Drawing

This year I´ve enjoyed the life drawing lessons with model very much. After three or four disappointing sittings, I decided to use my left hand... I was atonished at the results: I was able to approximately keep the proportions of the model and I think that the irregular, nervous lines give my paintings a plasticity I wasn´t able to achieve using my right hand. Another advantage is that, avoiding details, the time required to make a drawing is less. I´m looking forward to going to the country to draw with my left hand.

Life drawings with model
Graphite, charcoal and coloured pencils on A3 paper.

Life drawings with model

Graphite, charcoal, watercolours and coloured pencils on A4 paper

Life drawings with model
Graphite, charcoal, watercolours and coloured pencils on A5 paper

Life drawing with model
Charcoal on A4 paper

This year we also spent a sitting drawing horses, the passion of the Master-D. Venancio Blanco. This is the best of the works of that sitting.